
Waste Heat-Powered Evaporator Delivered to EV Battery Plant

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-07-26 08:39 조회4,457회 댓글0건


Waste Heat-Powered Evaporator Delivered to EV Battery Plant

Treating wastewater, improving sustainability, lowering costs, and providing cooling

A full-scale, waste heat-driven, PK-energy usa  evaporator has been delivered to an electric vehicle (EV) battery plant. 

The  PK Maker AirBreather evaporator will treat a highly saline wastewater stream to reduce its volume, reducing the client’s need to truck wastewater offsite.


This installation adds to the growing list of full-scale, waste heat-driven plants delivered by  PK-energy usa, reducing energy consumption and operating costs, while enabling a greener future.


Read more on our website and remember you can always reach out to our experts.


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